Idea and Concept of the Statistical Lab

The Statistical Lab is designed to substantially improve education of Statistics.
To these points most priority is given thru the entire development process:


Simple as well as complex scenarios can be processed using the Statistical Lab. Many posibilities are available for introducing descriptive statistics, ranging from using simulations of theoretical constructs, from fields such as estimation and regression, to teaching statitistical programming in R. The Statistical Lab's website facilitates access to expert knowledge of an increasing community of users.


Didactical Basis

Authentic statistical problems can easily be processed by integrating real data into the Statistical Lab. The open structure of the working space supports individual approaches to these challenges. It is not the solution itself or the mere application of standard procedures that matters. The aim is to promote creative thinking towards a constructive way of solving the problem.


Improving Education

The Statistical Lab’s focus on real data instead of one-dimensional methodology is the most important issue in improving the teaching of statistics. Understanding theoretical problems is made easier through interactive statistical experiments and simulations, which can be adepted to the individual needs of the students.



The Statistical Lab is designed to be used through the entire process of education. It can be used for presenting data, for individual learning, and as a platform for exams. Teaching material such as media and learning modules can be easily integrated using the web bar.



The use of the well-known programming language R gives access to the Statistical Lab’s functions. Statistical Lab’s core function, the statistical working place, has originally been derived from Statistik interaktiv!, which was a project back in 1997 to 1999. Since then it has been improved constantly in the project Experiences from various universities are available for further spread of Statistical Lab’s usage in Germany.

Please find an overview of the Lab’s Core Functions here.